Thursday, April 29, 2010

Backround Information!

Hello! It's me again! Now, I'm going to tell you about my childhood.When I was only twelve years old my father left me and my family. I know, that is so mean. Well he left us with no money,nothing, so my mother,brother, and me had to move in with Grandma Sophie.
She is a very nice women, Grandma Sophie, but when she got frustrated she would hit me! I was upset about to cry, but I kept my mouth shut. My mother never said anything, she thought Grandma Sophie was doing the best she could for having three people come and live with her
When I was about seven years old, I came down with polio which is basically something that starts out with a fever then can make somebody paralyzed. I remember after I had polio, my mother and I would go and and she would tell me to walk the best that I could. The words hurt because I was always walking the best that I could.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Hello! My name is Dorothea Lange.I was born on May 25,1895 to Henry and Joan Nutzhorn. I have one sibling ,a brother, who's name is Martin who was born in 1901. I then had polio, which you will learn about later. Well, I can't tell you much more, just read my blog and you'll find out all about me!!