Monday, May 10, 2010



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Book Reveiw

I read Restless Spirit by Elizabeth Patridge. Copyright date is 1998 and it was made my Puffin Books. I enjoyed this book i would recommend it for kids who need to read a lot for a biography. It does have a lot of reading, I don't think I would read another book from this author because she changes topic to quickly.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Hi, it's me again. Well, now I'm going to tell you about my obstacles. My first obstacle is that when I had polio it really changed me because it felt like I was the only one with polio. It turns out there were people who have worse polio. I considered myself lucky because I didn't have it too bad.
Also, when I got fired from my job, my husband and I didn't know how to support our family, but I just thought about how much i love photography, so I got plenty of jobs. My husband was also a photographer and he got laid off too, but he saw what I did and did the same thing, just remembered what he love to do.
I remember when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. I didn't know how to react. They told me to take pictures off the war relocation, but I didn't want to. It's not like I could have said know, but many jobs have things that you don't want to do and I just learned to deal with it. If I could go back in time I would definitely of said no and yelled at the guy who told me to take the pictures. Well that's it about me! I hope you enjoyed my blog! Bye!

Special/ Interesting!

I had to walk with a limp after i had polio. I didn't' get to choose it, it just happened. I know, if I could go back I would definitely choose not to have had polio, but it's not up to me.
Well, when I divorced my first husband, my oldest son didn't really know what he was going to do, so I banned him from my house. I know, I know it's me, but I had to do it he was, how you would say, a couch potato.

I also insited on going to a hospital in Iran. Well, they just treated me so happy , I had to be their when I died. In Iran was when I got a phone call saying that my husband died. My son called me said," Dad's dead," then hung up. Well I guess we're done here. See ya!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Character Traits!!

Hi!!! I'm back. If I could describe myself it would take a lot of words to describe me, but I'm going to use five words. My first word to describe me would be ..... brave because even though I had cancer, I still photographed. Nothing can stop me from photographing. My second word is ....dedicated because I am dedicated to my job, I was even photographing when my first husband died.
My third word is... heartless because when I saw starving children lying on cots I wouldn't give them any food. Many people called me a cruel women for not helping children, but if I gave food to one kid, I would then have to give food to all the kids. My fourth word is.... talented because I am the best photographer I know. I've met many photographers and people would call me selfish for picking myself as the best, but if you saw their pictures you would know why I picked me!My last, but o least word is... supportive because even though I'm a hard worker , I still support my family and friends. I used to always work, but then when my first husband died, it really got me thinking that I should be with my family in case one of them dies. Well, that's it!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Effect on the world!!!

It's nice to see you again. Well, I grew up to become famous photographer. I had to take pictures of a Japanese Association because some people wanted me to take pictures of them after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. The Japanese had to evacuate where I lived because the government wanted them to leave after the bombing and I was shocked. I would walk in the streets and see little Japanese kids who I used to see running in a park, who were now getting ready to evacuate the city.
Well, my mother wanted me to become a teacher before I became a professional photographer. I would have to go to teaching classes, but I wouldn't go. I would go to a photographing studio because I thought taking pictures was a wonderful job, but my mother thought otherwise. After the teaching classes that I never went to were over, I was supposed to teach some kids what I had learned. I didn't know what to do, so the kids ran out of the room screaming and ran to the playground. After that, my mother finally let me become a photographer and I worked at a studio where a famous photographer discovered me and that's how I became famous photographer. If the photographer didn't discover me, you wouldn't be learning about me today!