Sunday, May 9, 2010

Special/ Interesting!

I had to walk with a limp after i had polio. I didn't' get to choose it, it just happened. I know, if I could go back I would definitely choose not to have had polio, but it's not up to me.
Well, when I divorced my first husband, my oldest son didn't really know what he was going to do, so I banned him from my house. I know, I know it's me, but I had to do it he was, how you would say, a couch potato.

I also insited on going to a hospital in Iran. Well, they just treated me so happy , I had to be their when I died. In Iran was when I got a phone call saying that my husband died. My son called me said," Dad's dead," then hung up. Well I guess we're done here. See ya!

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