Thursday, May 6, 2010

Character Traits!!

Hi!!! I'm back. If I could describe myself it would take a lot of words to describe me, but I'm going to use five words. My first word to describe me would be ..... brave because even though I had cancer, I still photographed. Nothing can stop me from photographing. My second word is ....dedicated because I am dedicated to my job, I was even photographing when my first husband died.
My third word is... heartless because when I saw starving children lying on cots I wouldn't give them any food. Many people called me a cruel women for not helping children, but if I gave food to one kid, I would then have to give food to all the kids. My fourth word is.... talented because I am the best photographer I know. I've met many photographers and people would call me selfish for picking myself as the best, but if you saw their pictures you would know why I picked me!My last, but o least word is... supportive because even though I'm a hard worker , I still support my family and friends. I used to always work, but then when my first husband died, it really got me thinking that I should be with my family in case one of them dies. Well, that's it!!

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